So, I did a thing. I started a podcast! This is something I’ve wanted to do for quite a while. Majoring in broadcast journalism in college, I interned at at couple of radio stations and my goal was to graduate and beginning a blossoming career in radio. Well, thank goodness for minors because I definitely had to fall back on mine! Radio didn’t pan out the way I’d hoped and I eventually began a career in communications instead. I actually have no regrets about that and love the path my career is taking. Even more so, I love that we live in a world where you can do or be whatever you please. Opportunity is literally at our fingertips! Because of this, and the fact that I finally gathered up the gumption to do it, I can finally introduce….Hello Darling: A Finding Diamond Podcast!
I’m so excited and have so many things in store for the development of my podcast! We’re going to have so much fun!!! Click here to learn more about the podcast and listen to my first episodes! Don’t forget to follow @thehellodarlingpodcast on Instagram so you never miss an episode!
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